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MaxCut Help & Questions

How does this work

This DNS is exclusively designed for your use, enabling you to access BEFF effortlessly. All you have to do is add it to your PS4 or PS5 running the older generation of GTA. There's no need to remove the DNS to stop BEFF it handles everything automatically.

How do I send & get my IP

To obtain your IP address, you can refer to the email sent or visit this page: To update the IP, simply click on the provided link after purchase, enter your IP Address, and click the "Update" button. That's all there is to it!

MaxCut stopped working

If Beff is not working, it may indicate that your IP address has changed or that your Max Cut has expired. You can check your current IP address by following the instructions in the "How Does This Work" section. If the issue persists, please send me an email at support@max1382.com.

How do I add DNS to my PS5

For PS4, watch this video: PS4 DNS Setup Video

For PS5, watch this video: PS5 DNS Setup Video

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Removing DNS Settings

To remove DNS settings, follow these steps:

  • Power on your PS4 or PS5 and make sure it's connected to the internet.
  • Go to the "Settings" menu on your console.
  • Click to view more

    Payment Methods

    While Stripe is my preferred payment method, I am open to discussing alternative options with customers. If you prefer to use a different payment method, such as cryptocurrency, feel free to email me, and we can explore the possibility of using that method.

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